How to Fix a Chipped Tooth: Expert Advice from a Dentist

Chipping a tooth can be painful and embarrassing, but with proper treatment from your dentist, you can restore your smile and prevent further damage.

How to Fix a Chipped Tooth: Expert Advice from a Dentist

Chipping a tooth can be a painful and embarrassing experience. But with the right treatment, your dentist can help you repair the damage and restore your smile. In this article, we'll explain how dentists fix chipped teeth and what you can do to prevent further damage. If only a small piece of tooth enamel has come off, your dentist can repair the damage with a filling or bonding.

Bonding uses a tooth-colored composite resin to make the repair less visible. If the chip is larger, your dentist may recommend a crown or veneer. A root canal may be necessary if the crack extends to the root of the tooth. In extreme cases, extraction may be the only option.

The first step in repairing a chipped tooth is to roughen the remaining enamel so that the adhesive will adhere properly. The dentist then applies an adhesive and molds the joint to create a natural-looking covering over the chipped tooth. If the chip is small, fillings or dental adhesives may be used instead of bonding. It's important to seek treatment as soon as possible after chipping a tooth.

Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation, and temporary bonding material or dental wax can be used to cover the uneven edge of the tooth until you can get to the dentist. To prevent further damage, avoid using your teeth to open containers and take extra care when eating hard foods. It's also important to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. If you have chipped a tooth, don't panic! With proper treatment from your dentist, you can restore your smile and prevent further damage.